Greek Wines I like
Βy Yiannis Karakasis MW
It’s been more than a year since my article “another 90 point wines” that you can find here (in Greek only, I'm afraid). In brief, I wrote that scores do not mean much and that having millions of 90 point wines has no real value or impact. Maybe ten years ago, a 90/100 score was significant and meant something, but now, I guess a producer awarded the score will turn over in his bed or yawn with boredom. Most wines have (one way or another) at least one score of 90 or 92 on their record.
What has happened is score inflation. Just as it is inflating a balloon or dough puffing for bread. The 90 of a few years ago that made one proud is closer to today's 94-95. On the other hand, today's 89, 88, 87, 86, not to take it any lower, come across almost as an insult. The role that social media played in this inflation should not be dismissed. Is there any producer who would share an average critique? While on the other hand, a high score will be treated differently. Therefore, the need for more content pushes numbers higher, with most wines moving between 88 and 93, although scores of 95 are awarded now as if they were peanuts. There you go!
Along the same lines, I am opposed to judging the years of work and agony the producer goes through with just a number. Often in a fraction of seconds. Is this what wine is all about? A number? Supposedly we talk about the magic of wine, so how does this ultimately boil down to an 88? Have we not stolen the soul of every wine this way?
On the other hand, I should not disregard my obligation as an independent wine writer to share the good wines I taste. The ones I like. And respond to your remarkable interest in new suggestions. I do not disclaim the scores I have given wines from time to time and are still published, but we must evolve. So, the section Wine Ratings returns, not with scores, but as Greek Wines rated on the following scale:
(Y) Must-try wine
(YK) Must buy wine
(YK*) Wine of dreams
Obviously, what is published in this part of the site are wines that I like and suggest you try. If you are looking for bad reviews, you can search elsewhere. The space available on is limited, and I do not intend to waste it on wines that I would never recommend. My exceptions in rating with scores will only be made for articles of the sort included in magazines like the Decanter to further promote Greek Wines, as was done recently with the Xinomavro publication and formerly for white varieties beyond Assyrtiko. In all cases, readers need to be informed that I hold no commercial relationship with any winery or company in Greece or Cyprus.
One of the most challenging things in life is to distance yourself from how you think. Look at your way of thinking from another perspective. To challenge yourself and search. To diverge and move back. Greek Wines soon be on your screens.